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SCOR Channel

During 2018 Channel had created a new vision for effective bordereaux management and adjusted its model for data receipt, quality, reporting and analytics.

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Prior to this SCOR had only been partially successful in establishing good functional portfolio management and reporting. Its aim was to provide the business with improved management of regulatory reporting and in parallel drive up its detailed.

Intrali Proof of Concept

During 2018 SCOR had created a new vision for effective bordereaux management and adjusted its model for data receipt, quality, reporting and analytics. Prior to this SCOR had only been partially successful in establishing good functional portfolio management and reporting. Its aim was to provide the business with improved management of regulatory reporting and in parallel drive up its detailed.

During 2018, SCOR reviewed the available vendor options and following feedback from other market practitioners, took the decision to undertake an Intrali Proof of Concept [PoC].

Intrali Implementation

The success of the PoC led to a full contractual commitment from SCOR in November 2018. Since then, SCOR has migrated all its bordereaux management and reporting operations onto the VIPR Intrali platform, currently process in excess of 10,000 bordereaux per year.

Intrali capabilities allow for the capture, processing and management of bordereaux data, with an output available in a consistent and reliable format. Having achieved greater transparency of SCOR’s binding authority data, this has allowed for more effective analysis and presentation of policy level information to the wider SCOR business and supports deep understanding of bordereaux management reporting and analytics for risk, premium and claims.

Find out more by booking your VIPR Intrali demo today.


I’m delighted to witness the remarkable transformation SCOR has undergone by adopting our VIPR Intrali platform.
Their dedication to efficient bordereaux management and improved regulatory reporting is a testament to the
power of VIPR’s technology. Together, we’ve successfully optimised their processes, providing greater transparency
and a deeper understanding of policy level data, ultimately benefiting their entire business and clients.

Paul Templar
Founder & CEO of VIPR

SCOR find VIPR Intrali a very useful tool which is adding significant value to both our regulatory reporting and analytical requirements. I am hoping that we will continue to have a long and mutually beneficial partnership.

Lawrence Harper ACII
Channel’s Head of Underwriting Management

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SCOR Channel

During 2018 Channel had created a new vision for effective bordereaux management and adjusted its model for data receipt, quality, reporting and analytics. . .
SCOR Channel

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